Stay Healthy, Stay Safe: Vaping with No Nicotine Vape Pens

Did you know that nicotine is a very common ingredient in vaping concentrate, however, it’s hazardous to health. So, you would wonder what is the alternative. Nicotine-free e-liquids are easily available in the market (prepared from food-grade ingredients). Purchasing these will help you stay healthy and safe, and you will be able to enjoy vaping without nicotine. Though a non-nicotine vape pen might be free from toxic nicotine, still you should keep it away from children and pets.

Why Nicotine is it Still an Addiction?

As nicotine is an addictive element in the vape, it’s your choice whether you want to consume it or not. Facts show that many nicotine lovers unintentionally go overboard at times to determine their limits. When you consume nicotine you may feel shaky, light-headed, and dazed. Moreover, it might make you momentarily lazy, exhausted, and hissed. Apart from all these feelings, you might still want to vape nicotine-filled concentrate to live the feeling.

What is E-Juice?

E-juice is used in vapes and e-cigs for vaporizing. It is widely known as e-liquid or vaping concentrate. So, whatever you may feel after a vaping session depends on the e-juice ingredients. E-juice ingredients vary from liquid to liquid, and brand to brand. So, if you are a frequent vapor, you may develop a preference for Best Vape Brand.

Usually, the e-juice is a fusion of water, vegetable glycerine, and propylene glycol. However, the taste of every e-juice may vary due to different flavoring and additives included in the mixture. It is ideal to use vaping concentrate duly endorsed as Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) (by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)). The heating system in the vape works to atomize the e-juice. However, there is insufficient evidence that validates that food-grade materials are safe for vaping.

When the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) experts analyzed the vaping concentrate they found that there are vape liquids comprise of many other health-hazardous substances besides nicotine such as diacetyl, heavy metals, and volatile organic compounds. Diacetyl may cause respiratory disorders, while heavy metals (such as nickel and lead) are associated with kidney and gastrointestinal disorders, immune system dysfunction, birth deficiencies, and some types of cancers. And volatile organic compounds may damage your liver, kidney, and nervous system.

What are the Effects of Vaping Without Nicotine?

When you vape without nicotine, it may help inhibit addiction and other side effects caused by the toxic element. You might think that choosing a nicotine-free concentrate may make your vaping experience completely health safe. However, this is not true. There are still many side effects that you may have to experience when vaping without nicotine. Here is an insight:

Overall Toxicity

You may find several e-juices that may induce toxicity in your body. Research conducted in 2012 revealed that nicotine did not cause general toxicity in the body. Instead, there are other chemicals in the concentrates that are responsible for it. And general toxicity was caused by e-liquids that comprised food-grade ingredients.

Another research conducted in 2015 revealed that heating propylene glycol and glycerol in the e-juices generated composites that discharged formaldehyde. The International Agency for Research confirms that formaldehyde is a Group 1 cancer-causing element.

Besides, one more research carried out studied the effects of e-juices on young-aged vape users. The research considered three groups of people including the ones who used e-cigs, used e-cigs and normal cigarettes and non-smokers.

Generally, the research revealed that vaping was less harmful to health as compared to cigarette smoking. Though, youngsters using e-cigs only had meaningfully higher toxicity in their urine samples as compared to the non-smokers (control group). The toxic elements included acrylonitrile, acrolein, propylene oxide, acrylamide, and croton aldehyde.

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Many other studies endorse these outcomes and confirm that heating and vaporizing e-liquid chemicals are very toxic to the respiratory system. Hence, scholars resist supporting the fact that e-cigs are health safe.

Moreover, a handful of vape producers include vitamin E acetate in e-juices comprising of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). It makes the liquid more concentrated. Facts show that vitamin E acetate is an adhesive liquid that can damage your lungs.

Lung and Throat Irritability

Temporarily, vaping e-juice can cause irritation in your lungs and throat. You may feel a sensation of tingling, or burning when you breathe in the vapor. So, you would want to know what causes this problem. The presence of huge amounts of propylene glycol and glycerol can irritate lung passages. Hence, even one puff can cause irritation.


So, if you vape regularly, you would know that e-juice ingredients may also cause inflammation in the lungs. A study carried out in 2018 found common e-juice ingredients trigger an inflammatory response in the respiratory tract. However, the e-juices examined in the research were nicotine-free.

And when your body experiences chronic inflammation of the respiratory tract, it may lead to irreversible lung damage.


A majority of people suggest that vaping may deviate your attention from cigarette smoking. However, nicotine-free vaping still has many health risks. Hence, it is best to find alternatives that may satisfy your cravings. Some alternatives include drinking sparkling water, chewing gum, eating nuts, and meditating.