Electric Dab Rigs vs. Traditional Dab Rigs: Which is Better?

Did you know that e-rigs have been trending and becoming dabbers’ favorite thing? However, people still use the traditional dab rigs and enjoy their dabbing experiences. But the question is which is better? This article will illustrate a comparison between the electric dabbing rig and the traditional version.  

As you know that dabbing is becoming a preferred way of enjoying wax concentrates. So, experts have developed many options that vaporize the wax products and ensure an awesome dabbing experience. Keep reading to know more.

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Why an Electric Rig is the Future of Dabbing

What is a Dabbing Rig?


It is one of the original and oldest dabbing devices that support wax vaporization. The rig has many different parts typically made of glass material. If you analyze the actual rig, you will see it’s a hefty piece of glass that carries water. The water inside works to sift and cool down the vapor. In the glass rig, you will find a joint on one side and a mouthpiece on the other. Other parts include


Banger lies on the top of the joint where you will place the wax concentrate. These are usually made of high-quality glass material because it has to withstand high heat to vaporize the wax.


The torch works to heat the banger till it’s very hot. And when it touches the desired temperature, you can place the wax concentrate for vaporization.

Other Accessories

You can even opt for additional accessories to enhance your dabbing experience such as terp pearls, dab tools, and carb caps.

What is an Electronic Rig?


As the name suggests, it is the electronic variety of the dabbing rig. With the advancement of technology, experts have developed a modern device to boost the dabbing experience. Although, the e-rig and the traditional version have similar components they are updated for technology.

The Base

You will be happy to know that the base of an e-rig is very similar to the traditional glass rig. Made with high-grade glass material, it now features a latex or plastic foundation. The plastic side comprises of battery that serves as the power source of the e-rig.

Heating Element

The heating element features cups, coils, and chambers. They are connected to the battery which sources power to the coil and heats them. The heated coils work to vaporize the wax concentrates.

Other Accessories

If you want to know about e-rig accessories, those are also the same as the traditional ones. You can opt for carb caps, terp pearls, plastic caps, q-tip pockets, and bags.

Which is More Convenient?


It is an open truth that e-rigs are highly convenient than traditional rigs. Though both devices require assembling, the e-rig will be much easier to handle than its counterpart. As mentioned above, the dab rig features a torch that involves boiling the banger unless it’s shining hot. After this, you will have to cool it down unless it reaches optimal vaping temperature before you load the wax concentrate with a dabbing tool.

So, this is the main procedure, however, e-rig has simplified it. E-rig requires you to just turn on the device, choose your desired temperature setting, and wait until it is ready. So, you will not require to master any special skill to operate it. All you will have to do is press a button.

What Safety Measures to Adopt?


If you love dabbing, you must know that a rig can be potentially hazardous particularly when you heat the banger using a torch. Try not to push yourself to the limits, as you can hurt yourself and even damage your surroundings. So, if you eliminate the use of a torch and use an electronic heating element instead, you can be much safe. Hence, e-rig is a much safer way to dab, and this is the major reason people have started preferring it.

Is E-Rig More Precise?

The answer is yes. E-rig allows a more exact experience than the traditional rig. The conventional way to check the temperature while dabbing with the conventional rig was to touch and feel the heat with your fingers. However, e-rig is more accurate as it allows you to set a more precise temperature or program or preset temperatures. A majority of the e-rigs feature a screen that displays temperature levels to always keep you updated.

How Powerful is the Puff?

If you want to enjoy intense puffs, then the traditional rig is better. However, e-rig can only generate a particular amount of heat, as per the model, and can even limit the power of the device and the strength of the concentrates. Hence, dedicated wax concentrate lovers still prefer standard rigs that use a torch as a heating source as it can generate large vapors and more powerful puffs.

Which Rig is Easier to Clean?

When it comes to cleanliness and maintenance, both e-rigs and standard rigs require the same effort. You will have to regularly clean them to ensure that they are free from the sticky substance gathered by water. However, when you clean the e-rig, you will have to be careful of the electronic parts as it is not safe to immerse it in water.