What Happens When You Quit Smoking And Start Vaping

Smoking is a habit that can be extremely hard to quit, but it’s worth the effort. It’s common knowledge that smoking can harm your health, increasing the risk of lung cancer, heart disease, and many other serious health problems. Vaping has become a popular alternative to smoking cigarettes, often touted as safer. In this blog, we’ll explore what happens when you quit smoking and start vaping.


Quitting smoking offers many benefits that can significantly improve your overall health and wellbeing. By quitting, you can reduce your risk of developing various health problems and increase your lifespan. Smoking can cause harm to your lungs, heart, and other vital organs, making you susceptible to different diseases, such as lung cancer, stroke, and heart disease. However, when you quit, you significantly lower the risk of these ailments.

Besides the health benefits, it can also enhance your daily life. For instance, it can boost your energy levels and improve your physical appearance. You’ll have brighter, healthier-looking skin and save money you would otherwise spend on cigarettes. So, it can positively impact your quality of life and significantly reduce the risk of health issues, making it a worthwhile decision.

Various studies suggest that vaping may be a helpful tool for smokers who are trying to quit. Nicotine, the addictive substance found in cigarettes and e-cigarettes, can be gradually reduced in vaping liquids, allowing individuals to wean themselves off the substance over time. Additionally, vaping can mimic the physical sensation of smoking, which can help individuals overcome their psychological addiction to smoking.

What Is Vaping?

Vaping involves the inhalation and exhalation of vapor generated by electronic cigarettes or other vaping devices. Using a battery, these devices heat up e-juice or e-liquid, which is then transformed into inhaled vapor, making this process less harmful to the lungs. Furthermore, unlike cigarette smoke, this process doesn’t involve combustion, thus avoiding producing many harmful chemicals. It provides users with a similar experience to smoking without the harmful effects of tobacco smoke. 

The e-juice may or may not contain nicotine, the addictive chemical found in traditional cigarettes. Such cigarettes contain harmful chemicals, such as tar and carbon monoxide, which can cause serious health problems over time. Vaping has become increasingly popular as an alternative to smoking cigarettes. 

Vaping devices are available in various forms and sizes, from small disposable e-cigarettes to larger, more complex devices that can be customized to the user’s preferences. Despite the popularity of vaping, there is still much debate surrounding its potential health risks and benefits, especially regarding using e-juice that contains nicotine.

Read Also: 10 Surprising Benefits of Vaping You Didn’t Know About

Advantages Of Vaping Over Smoking

Many people turn to vaping, and doing so has several advantages. They consider vaping safer than smoking, which is one of its most significant advantages. However, vaping still has risks; it is generally believed to be less harmful than smoking cigarettes.

Vaping is also more socially acceptable than smoking. 

The unpleasant smell of cigarette smoke bothers many people, leading to smoking bans in public places. However, vaping is considered a more acceptable alternative to smoking and is not subjected to the same restrictions.

What Happens When You Quit Smoking And Start Vaping?

The following are some common benefits:

  • Improved Sense Of Smell And Taste

Smoking can damage your sense of smell and taste, making it harder to enjoy food and drink. When you quit smoking, you may find that your sense of smell and taste improves. It can make food taste better and help you appreciate the flavors of your favorite dishes.

  • Better Breathing

Smoking can have a negative impact on your lung function, making it harder to breathe. When you start vaping, you may find that your breathing improves. You may be able to take deeper breaths and feel less short of breath during physical activity.

  • Reduced Risk Of Lung Cancer

Smoking is the leading cause of cancer, and quitting smoking can significantly reduce your risk of developing this deadly disease. Although vaping poses some risks, most people believe it is less harmful than smoking cigarettes.

  • Improved Cardiovascular Health

Smoking can increase your risk of developing heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular problems. When you start vaping, you may see an improvement in your cardiovascular health. Your blood pressure may decrease, and your risk of heart disease may also decrease.

Read Also : Are E-cigarettes a Safe Alternative to Traditional Cigarettes?


Quitting smoking and starting vaping can significantly impact your health and wellbeing. Although vaping carries certain risks, people consider it a safer alternative to smoking. If you’re considering switching from smoking to vaping, it’s important to research and finds a device and e-juice that work for you.

So, quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health. By starting to vape, you may experience numerous benefits, including an improved sense of smell and taste, better breathing, reduced risk of lung cancer, and improved cardiovascular health. It’s never too late to quit smoking and start living a healthier life.