Are E-cigarettes a Safe Alternative to Traditional Cigarettes?

Did you know that vaping is trending? Hence, people are increasingly attracted to e-cigarettes. With the rising awareness about the hazards of cigarette smoking, people are looking for safer alternatives. However, the question is whether e-cigs are safe for health or not.

What Does the Research Suggest?

According to an analysis by the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) about the use of e-cigs is that these are less hazardous to health than traditional cigarettes. Also, it can help smokers quit their life-threatening habit of smoking cigs.

The NASEM report emphasized three positive impacts of using e-cigs which are as follows:

  1. It is less harmful than the conventional cigarette smoking.
  2. Comprises less variety and lower intensity of toxins and health-hazardous chemicals as compared to conventional cigs.
  3. It is the best way to quit the smoking habit and nicotine addiction.

Another research conducted by the Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) highlighted that in 2020 the sale of e-cigs escalated by 122.2%. While the sales of pre-filled cartridges amplified between 2014 and 2019.

Research conducted in 2014 by the University of Southern California on the use of e-cigs highlighted that the people exposed to e-cigs were safe. The reason is that there were little or no carcinogens (cancer-causing elements) found in the second-hand vapors. Though, the amount of metal particles such as chromium and nickel was higher in e-cigs than the traditional cigarettes.

Read Also : The Health Benefits of Vaping: An Overview of Recent Studies

What is an E-Cig and How Can It Harm Your Health?

An e-cig is an electronic vaping device that heats the concentrate to generate the vapor which you can inhale and enjoy. However, the liquid vaporizes at a lower temperature than the traditional cig. E-cigs also known as vape pens support the vaporization of a variety of flavors. You can relish fruit, dessert, tobacco, menthol, and many other varieties. Although, e-cig is free from the tar that lines up in your respiratory tract, however, it may emit other toxic chemicals that can cause several diseases.

What Do Experts Suggest?

A pulmonologist suggested that he has many patients who are suffering due to smoking tobacco. So, you should opt for alternatives that help you quit the addiction. However, more research can help explore the precise impacts of e-cigs on health.

People either vape using e-cigs or Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS), and it has many hazardous health effects. Although FDA has introduced many regulations, there are still gaps and young people can easily get access to these.

Did you know that ENDS are battery-powered devices that vaporize liquid for gulping? Although, they don’t combust lithium batteries have been known to cause many injuries. The insertion around the battery, inappropriate charging in the USB port, and increasing gas within the case are the major triggers that may cause an explosion and lead to injuries.

What Are the Health Risks of E-Cigs?

Nicotine Poisoning in Children

Facts show that the consumption of highly concentrated nicotine found in E-cigs has harmed many children. The vibrant, appealing packaging and flavors can entice young children to consume. Therefore, nicotine poisoning can cause children to suffer from coma, seizures, heart ailments, cancer, or even death.

Nicotine-Free E-Liquid Health Hazards

Moreover, even nicotine-free e-liquids can harm your ear functioning and increases the risk of asthma attacks in young people. Else, with the recent increase in the use of e-cigs by individuals have increased their risk of catching COVID-19 and other viral infection five times. And the reason is lung poisoning and recurrent hand-to-face touching.

E-Cigs and Pregnancy

If you consume e-cig during pregnancy, it can majorly harm your fetus even before you find out that you are expecting a child. You might know that smoking can significantly increase the risk of hereditary heart ailments. And when your fetus is exposed to nicotine, it can increase the risk of childhood and even adulthood high blood pressure problems, damage the normal development of the brain and nervous system, and can result in premature or still births.

E-Cig and Brain Development

Moreover, the nicotine element in e-cigs can be very harmful to the brain development of youths. Hence, it is a leading cause of emotional disorders and rising impulsive responses. You must know that nicotine is addictive and can harm your health in many ways.


While we know that e-cigs are comparatively less harmful to health than the traditional cigarettes. However, evidence shows that it is not completely safe. And more research is required to understand its long-term health effects. So, children, young individuals, and expecting mothers should be kept away from e-cigs. Although it can help quit the harmful habit of smoking, still trying endorsed tobacco cessation therapies is a better option.