Find the Perfect Vape Pen for Dabs: Top Picks and Buying Guide

As the trend of vaping is increasing, people are increasingly concerned about how to choose the Best Vape Pen for Dabs. Cigarette smokers are switching to vaping as it is safer for their health. This is a perfect guide for beginners on how to find the perfect vape pen for dabs.  

Did you know that you need to consider many aspects if you are purchasing a vaping device for the first time? Some important things include the type of vaping concentrates and the price of the vape.

What is a Vaping Device?

A vaping device, also known as a vape pen is a specifically designed device that can heat up and vaporize an e-liquid or vaping concentrates. These are very much like e-cigs, hence, the best way to enjoy your favorite concentrate. You can enjoy e-juices, wax concentrates, oils, and waxes to vaporize and inhale. There are many vape varieties available in the market. You would love these for its health benefits, subtleness, convenience, portability, and much more. Vaping is the best alternative if you are looking to quit smoking and save yourself from the hazardous effects of tobacco.

How is Vaping Beneficial for Health?

As people are becoming increasingly aware of the health risks of smoking cigarettes, vaping is rising in popularity due to its feature of being health safe. You can find vaping concentrates with varying strengths that will directly impact your vaping experience. Hence, you can choose the intensity of nicotine and other substances that perfectly match your needs and tolerance levels.

How to Choose the Vape Pen?

Choosing a vape is not easy, as you will have to consider many aspects especially if it’s your first purchase. You may have to choose according to your needs, preferences and budget limit. So, here is how you can make the best purchase:

Your Place of Vaping

When choosing a vape you need to first decide which is your favorite vaping spot. Some people like vaping indoors while others are more comfortable outdoors. And when you consider vapes, you will have to decide based on portability, discreetness, and accessories.

Desktop Vapes

If you are interested in purchasing desktop vapes, it is much more expensive and non-portable. However, it is ideal for prolonged vaping sessions or if you like to vape with friends. You will not have to bear the hassle of battery time and can be ideally used for medicinal e-juices.

Portable Vapes

If you opt for portable vapes, you must know their features before you make a purchase. It features a relatively shorter battery life, is subtle, ideal to carry on the go, best for single-person usage, is affordable, and is convenient. So, if you are a beginner, you must go for small and portable vaping devices rather than a desktop vape. Later on, you may invest in expensive vaping devices.

Your Budget

Everyone wants the best buy, and if you have a limited budget, you need to be extra careful. So, when choosing a vape you can spare a minimum of $100, and can raise the budget according to your affordability. However, if you choose the cheapest vape, you might have to compromise on the quality. It might not be durable, and there is a chance of your money getting wasted. On the contrary, it is not a good idea to spend extravagantly on your first purchase. The best approach is to trust a reliable manufacturer and choose a reasonably priced vape with features that match your needs. And if you have a tight budget, you should invest in a disposable pen. The best thing about disposable variety is that it is pre-filled and best for one-time use.

Read Also : How to Find the Best Vape Pen for Dabs: Expert Tips and Tricks

Choice of Vaping Concentrate

There are a variety of vaping concentrates available in the market including wax, herbs, oils, and e-juices. Every vape support vaporization of a different type of concentrate, so you should consider this aspect when making the purchase. A majority of the pens support the vaporization of a single type of concentrate, however, some may even vaporize dry herbs and concentrates.

What are the Tips to Choose the Best Vape?

If you are fond of an oil concentrate or e-juice, you should opt for a pen that uses wicks and loops or a tank and a vaporizer. Waxes are ideal for pens featuring a chamber rather than a tank. However, herb lovers must opt for chamber pens that support convention or combustion methods.


Portable varieties have integrated batteries with varied strengths and capabilities that will typically last for a few days with slight usage. However, you will have to plug in a desktop unit.

Flavor Concentrate

The flavor depends on the concentrate you use, airflow, temperature, and heating technique. Vapes with bespoke temperature settings will be best for the ones who want to regulate how temperature influences flavor.


You can find vapes in a variety of designs and materials. Some of the common ones encompass stainless steel, carbon fiber, ceramic, Teflon, silicon, pyrex glass, and titanium alloys. It is always a good idea to choose a quality design as cheap material can easily melt when vaporizing, hence, destroying your vaping experience. Also, cheaper designs can get easily damaged, and requires a lot of care and maintenance.