The Health Benefits of Vaping: An Overview of Recent Studies

Are you on your track to adopting a healthy lifestyle? Certainly, self-care can help you live a happy, healthy, and active life. While we take care of our health, sometimes peer pressure can make us practice some health-hazardous activities. You may smoke to look cool, and be in the limelight. However, you must know that smoking is one of the leading causes of acute diseases and deaths. And it’s better to quit and find an alternative like vaping. This article will highlight the vaping health benefits, and how it can change your life for good.

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What Are the Health Benefits of Vaping?


Safer Than Smoking


According to experts vaping is 95% safer for your health as compared to smoking. You should know that the e-liquids you vape feature fewer chemicals than cigarettes. And the chemicals don’t remain in the body like tar or don’t destroy your health. So, when you switch to vaping, you will be able to regulate your blood pressure, have better lung health, improve immune function, and enhance taste and smell.

More Affordable Than Smoking


If you are a frequent smoker, you would be aware of how much it consumes your budget and health. So, it’s always a good idea to find an affordable and safer alternative. On the contrary, vaping has a greater upfront cost than smoking, but it’s a one-time investment. However, if you consider the regular spending on vaping, you would realize that it is much more affordable than cigarette smoking.

E-Cigs Can Help You Quit Smoking


Facts show that e-cigs are quite effective in helping heavy smokers quit smoking, and save their health. Studies show that vaping is much more effective than conventional nicotine replacement therapies (NRTs) such as nicotine patches, lozenges, inhalers, gums, and others. According to a study conducted by the National Health Service UK, a group of smokers tried to quit smoking by either switching to e-cigs or NRTs. The result suggested that almost 18% of e-cig users were able to quit smoking after 12 months, in contrast to the 10% of conventional NRT users.

Now, you would want to know why are e-cigs so effective in helping smokers quit their habit. The first reason is the nicotine rush, also it will help you change your mind that you are consuming a health-safe product. Else, many people smoke as it is a social activity, and would not want to quit. However, they can continue being cool in social gatherings by vaping, and keep away from this life-threatening addiction.


Vaping’s Second-hand Vapor Is Safer Than Second-hand Smoke


While smoking is health-hazardous for the smokers themselves, it is equally harmful for the people around them. Studies about second-hand smoke suggest that the emission is life-threatening for the people around (especially children and pregnant women). The reason is that exhaled smoke comprises 5000 chemicals of which 70 are cancer-causing agents. If your children are exposed to second-hand smoke, it may increase their risk of lung, ear, throat, and nose infections. And if someone is an asthma patient, the smoke can aggravate the condition, and it can also increase the risk of sudden infant death syndrome. Else, in adults, second-hand smoke can elevate the risk of heart ailments, lung cancer, and other acute health conditions.

On the contrary, the second-hand vapor emitted from vaping is very subtle and much safer. While the majority are safe, however, experts recommend keeping children and expecting mothers away from second-hand vapor also.


The Vapor Vanishes Easily Unlike Smoke


Research shows that vapor puffed out by vape enthusiasts vanishes within seconds, without affecting the air quality in a closed room. However, cigarette smoking can linger in the air for about half an hour or longer. According to experts, the impact of passive smoking shows that cig smoke can settle down on furnishing, walls, curtain, and other items in a room. The vaporized e-liquid not only just evaporates but also makes the environment more pleasant.


You Can Enjoy a Variety of Vape Flavors Available in the Market


While smoking only offers a tobacco flavor, you might get bored, and the only thing that keeps you hooked is the addiction. However, if you vape, you have hundreds of e-liquid flavors to choose from and relish every moment. Some much-loved e-liquid flavor varieties include menthol, herbs, desserts, fruits, and many more.


You Can Vape Everywhere, Even in Non-Smoking Areas


You would be surprised to know that vaping is not banned indoors unlike cig smoking. While many offices do not allow smoking indoors, if you vape you will not have to step outside.


E-cigs Emissions Are Safe


The great news is that there are relatively fewer ingredients in the vape than in cigarettes. A majority of the e-liquids comprise propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, nicotine, and flavorings, and all are safe for consumption. Hence, it is less risky than smoking.