The Pros and Cons of Nicotine-Free Vaping: Is It Worth It?

Many people chose to vape as a safer alternative to cig smoking. The reason is that vaping will help you regulate your nicotine levels, and get rid of the addiction. Though, vaping concentrates are non-carcinogenic, however, nicotine can accelerate your blood pressure and heartbeat. So, nowadays, people prefer nicotine-free vaping. 

An Overview of Nicotine-Free Vaping

If you are fond of vaping, you must be careful when choosing e-liquids. And if you are health conscious, you should choose a nicotine-free e-liquid. It will help you safely enjoy a variety of e-juice flavors available in the market.

How Can You Vape Without Nicotine?

When you choose nicotine-free concentrates, you can easily avoid inhaling any nicotine vapors. A majority of such e-liquids are a mixture of water, vegetable glycerin, propylene, glycol, and flavorings.

What Are the Pros of Nicotine-Free Vaping?

If you want to have an insight into zero-nicotine vaping pros and cons, you must read the following:

You Will Be Free from Addiction

As you know that nicotine is an addictive element present in cigs and e-liquids. And when you start consuming nicotine in any form, you will have to continue or you will experience withdrawal symptoms. Hence, people opt for vaping instead of smoking to manage their nicotine consumption levels.

It Will Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth

When you vape zero-nicotine concentrates, it will help you control your sugar cravings, and enjoy good health.

You Can Enjoy a Variety of Flavors

There are a huge variety of zero-nicotine e-liquid flavors available in the market such as fruits, desserts, oats, jam, and many others. You can choose any of your favorites and relish every puff.

You Can Save Money

Zero-nicotine e-liquids are relatively more affordable than nicotine-filled ones. So, while it is healthier for you, it also saves you money.

It Helps You Quit Smoking

You would agree that smoking is an addiction, and very hazardous to health. And it’s difficult to get rid of addiction. However, zero-nicotine vape juices can help you fight you get rid of your smoking addiction. When you will vape, it will trick your mind to think that you have consumed a nicotine dose (in actuality you have not). You will be able to effectively manage withdrawal symptoms, and experience less severity.

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You Will Have Greater Employability Chances

In many parts of the world, companies require their employers to show nicotine tests before hiring. So, if you vape non-nicotine vaping liquids, you will certainly test negative, and you will have greater employability chances.

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What are The Cons of Non-Nicotine Vaping?

While there are many pros of zero-nicotine dabbing, there are some cons also. Some of these are mentioned below:

It Is Comparatively Less Satisfying Than Nicotine E-Liquids

When you choose non-nicotine juices, you may have to compromise on a satisfying throat hit. If you have been consuming nicotine, you should know that your throat hit without nicotine might not be the same. And you might feel a slight roughness in your throat. However, innovation has made zero-nicotine vape juices deliver an appropriate throat hit. For that, you will have to choose the right vape kit.

Zero-Nicotine Hits Might Make It Difficult for You to Quit Smoking

If you plan to get rid of your smoking habit, you might experience difficulty with zero-nicotine flavors. Managing nicotine cravings can be a major challenge. You might crave cigarettes or other forms of nicotine.

Are Zero-Nicotine Vapes Health-Hazardous?

These vapes might cause harm in a few ways, but it’s not something to worry about. However, no-nicotine vaping is a safer option than nicotine-loaded vaping. You will be free from addiction, and it will help you avoid issues like hypertension, heart ailments, and other health issues.

How Frequently You Should Vape?

While this is a very common question, but a bit challenging to answer. The reason is that many factors will influence it. The best answer is that every person must adjust the vaping frequency that works best for them. There is no one answer for everyone. And when you opt for nicotine-free vaping, you can vape frequently without worrying about health hazards.

What is the Safest Way to Vape?

Zero-nicotine vapes in pod systems or portable vaping kits are very safe. Low-powered and safety cut-offs will help prevent overheating. Also, it’s very simple to use.

Which Option is Better: Vaping or Smoking?

It is a prevalent fact that vaping is much safer than smoking cigs. You can easily avoid carcinogens entering your body and enjoy different flavors. You must know that even secondhand smoke comprises 7000 toxic chemicals that can be health hazardous. Hence, according to Public Health England, vaping is 95% less health-hazardous than smoking.

Does Vaping Induces Sleep?

If you vape a nicotine-filled e-juice, you might experience sleep issues. On the contrary, if your e-juice does not comprise nicotine, you can enjoy flawless sleep. Instead, you will feel more relaxed after vaping.