The Truth About CBD for Pets

The use of CBD is increasing in popularity due to its incredible health benefits. Likewise, it is also being used to treat health problems in pets. You would wonder how beneficial is CBD for Pets. Some experts suggest that it can effectively treat inflammation, seizures, discomfort, and anxiety. Hence, you may find more CBD products in the market. However, more research is required to confirm the truth about CBD for pets.

What Does Present Research Reveal?

If you consider the study of Brightfield Group – a USA cannabis research company, you would know that the CBD pet product market was able to generate sales of $629 million (last year), which is almost 50% greater than in 2020. Considering this trend, it is expected to increase to $1.1 billion till the end of 2026. According to Nielsen, CBD animal products account for 3-5% of the total CBD sales in the US till 2025. Have you heard about Minneapolis-based Kradle? It creates products featuring hemp-derived CBD to regulate anxiety in pets. It costs nearly $4 million.

A survey by Hodges Review – a directive evaluating by-law and public policy related to the UK’s lawful cannabis industry is that 6% of pet owners like to use CBD products for their pets. However, if you consider the entire populace, results would show that hundreds and thousands of pet owners in the UK prefer CBD for their pets. The study was based on responses from 1500 UK residents. In fact, they look for Best CBD for Pets. Moreover, people aged 18 – 24 years were more likely to purchase CBD items for their pets as compared to respondents aged 25 – 44 years. Facts suggest that almost 23% of the respondents preferred human CBD or cannabis oil to treat health issues in pets.

However, in the US, 77% of CBD products were purchased for pet consumption in 2021. CBD articles for humans and pets are much similar. As per the Brightfield study conducted in 2021, the key motives for pet owners to use CBD things was to treat anxiety and support their well-being. Hence, CBD is highly effective in improving your pet’s behavior. Almost 84% of the study respondents agreed, while 14% of endorsed its effectiveness while only 2% did not find it beneficial.

Is Veterinarian Advice Important?

Veterinarian advice is highly imperative when treating pets with CBD. Hence, you must consult a reliable veterinarian before using a CBD product for your pet. However, in the US, almost 70% of pet owners consulted a vet to confirm the effectiveness, dosage, and safety of CBD use.

How Does CBD Impact Pets?

If you consider the US, there are limitations on how vets can advise about the use of CBD. If you have reviewed a related study published in Frontiers in Veterinary Science in 2019 engaging 1194 respondents, revealed that 84% of vets in the US either negated or strongly negated the use of hemp and CBD items for animals. 

What is the CBD Product Retailers’ View?

You may find a majority of CBD items for pets via online platforms. Google suggests that NaturVet is the leading pet supplement producer earning the highest revenue. The increasing consumer demand for CBD objects is a valuable opportunity for traditional merchants also. However, for the brick-and-mortar setup, things are much more complex due to the limitation on sales of items with CBD.

How to Pick the Best CBD for Pets?

You will find hundreds of CBD things in the market for your pet, however, with little or no regulation. Hence, it might be difficult to decide the best one. In this case, you may consider items endorsed by National Animal Supplement Counsel (NASC). You may find a seal for quality assurance. Next, you should enlist all the ingredients and identify any presence of metals, mycotoxins, or pesticides. Also, you must look for the ingredient xylitol, though it is safe for human consumption, it might be toxic for animals.

You can pick items that may comprise CBD and other substances (like terpenes) found in cannabis plants. CBD is safe for consumption when used along with these instead of consumed alone. However, you should try to avoid broad-spectrum items featuring THC.

Is the Use of CBD Lawful?

Did you know that many vets are hesitant to recommend CBD? The reason is that they believe that it is not the best product for pets. Sometimes, they do it due to legal implications. Food and Drug Administration did not endorse the CBD items. Also, human-use drugs are not ideal for the pet’s use either.

Though, it is lawful to sell products featuring hemp (less than 0.3%). Lately, the American Veterinary Medical Association did not endorse any medical treatments comprising of cannabis products (including CBD) for patients. Still, there is no clear evidence that suggests vets fear the consequences of CBD use in animals.

A handful of vets consider its pros and cons, and possible interaction with drugs. However, facts state that CBD can help treat a few conditions. As cannabinoids feature CBD and THC that imitate the endocannabinoid chemicals. The pet body’s endocannabinoids work as master controllers that hint to other systems when to move fast or slow, hence, work to stabilize the body and restore its homeostasis.