Vape Pen vs. Traditional Dab Rig: Which is Better?

This article provides a detailed analysis of vape pens and dab rigs. Are you a cannabis lover? Despite its incredible health benefits, it also provides leisure. So, you must be in search of how to enjoy it. Are you familiar with dabbing and vaping? Though both vaporize concentrates, the major difference is the material consumed which impacts the flavor, and quality of inhalation. However, you can enjoy cannabis concentrates and cannabis flowers with both methods. As both methods are increasing in popularity, people are interested to know which is better. This article will provide a comparison of vape pens vs traditional dab rigs.

What is Vaping?

Vaping helps to heat oil and concentrates, and transform them into a light vapor that you can inhale. You can do this by using vape pens or vaporizing devices. Cannabis consumers love vaping due to several reasons. A major reason is that vaping supports a better flavor, and you can choose from a huge variety of e-juices available in the market. Moreover, it is portable, affordable and can be conveniently carried on the go. Else, you can easily interchange its parts, and clean it.

What is Dabbing?

On the contrary, if you are fond of shatter, oil, or wax concentrates, you may opt for dabbing. Dab rigs professionally heat dense concentrates, allowing you to inhale the vapor. Some of the popular dabbing devices you can choose from include a dab rig, nectar collector, dab pen, or portable e-nail. If you love intense smokes, you can choose to dab. It is more powerful than vaping. Moreover, it is fast, distinct, easy to embellish, and cost-friendly.

What is a Vape Pen?

It is a battery-powered pen, that vaporizes the concentrate (oil or liquid) via the cartridge. You can inhale and enjoy. Vape pens feature four main components including the tank, vaporizer, temperature sensor, and battery. These components function together to vaporize the concentrate. When you use the vape, the concentrate moves into the vaporizer for heating, allowing you to inhale it. The best thing about these pens is that it is very easy to use, and perfect for beginners. On the contrary, you might not be able to customize it. You may search online for the Best Vape Pen for Dabs

How Can You Make Your Cartridges Last for a Long time?

If you want the vape cartridge to last longer, the process is very simple:

  • Try not to expose your cartridge to direct sunlight. For that, you can keep it safe in the drawer, fridge, box, or any other compact space away from sunlight.
  • When it’s hot, try to keep it in the refrigerator allowing it to cool down.
  • Try to keep the cartridge erect, even when using it. If you position it on the side, it is likely to seep. Also, environmental pollutants can easily penetrate into the cartridge and cause a blockage.
  • Keep the battery off when you are not using the pen.

Why Do Vape Carts Break?

The vape carts are prone to breaking, and here are some of the factors to consider:


Did you know that heat destroys cartridges’ strength and performance and can cause seepages and destroy the battery? If you wish to protect your device, place it in a cool place.


It is a fact that UV radiation is very harmful to the cartridges and can cause them to break down, causing a loss of strength and flavor. Hence, keep it away from direct sunlight.


With time, your cartridge is likely to degrade. Even if you take extra care of the vape carts, still you will have to replace them eventually.

What is a Dab Pen?

A dab pen also known as the wax pen is ideal for the ones who love to enjoy denser concentrates and potent flavor. You need to position the dab onto the coil. After that, you will have to melt the dab on the wick. You may also use a dab straw that lets you immerse the straw directly into the distillate. After that, the pen’s wick absorbs the liquid dab and converts it into a vapor that you can inhale and enjoy.

If you choose these pens, you can try a variety of flavors. However, these pens are much costlier than vape pens. Also, you will have to invest a lot for its cleaning and maintenance. And these are less modest than the vape varieties and you can easily carry them in hand.

What is the Dab Pen’s Best Use?

These pens are ideal for the ones who have been vaping for some time and are in search of potent flavors. However, these modern pens will require your attention for maintenance, loading, cleaning, and replacement.

If you want to benefit from these pens, try not to overload them with cannabis concentrates. The reason is that it is prone to short-circuiting. For regular maintenance, you just have to wipe it daily using a q-tip and isopropyl alcohol.

Which is Better: Dab Pen or Vape Pen?

It is difficult to decide, and it’s all about your preference. If you want convenience, the vaping device is a better option. However, if you are fond of strong flavors and want to enjoy a more intense experience, then dabbing devices are your best friends. On the contrary, if you want to enjoy more control while vaping, you may opt for wax concentrates rather than oil cartridges.

Does Dab Concentrates Go Bad?

You don’t need to worry about this. Dab concentrates are much similar to an old weed, and won’t put you in danger. However, if your concentration is bad, you may sense it from an odd taste, frequent coughing, and drowsy feeling.