Vaping Myths Vs Facts: Separating Truth from Fiction

You might have heard about vaping because it’s trending. Many people vape for style, some enjoy the flavor and others might be addicted. As vaping is becoming very common, there is a dire need to know vaping myths vs facts, so that you know the actual truth.

Vaping Myth Vs Facts


Myth 1


Dabbing Does Not Affect Health


It is a popular fact that vaping is safer than smoking cigs. However, if we see the detail vaping comprise chemicals that are harmful to your respiratory system. Moreover, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not enforced any strict regulations on the vaping product range. So, vaping is not 100% safe.

Myth 2


E-Juices Comprise of Flavored Water and It Not Health Hazardous 


Did you know that vaping is not about breathing in water vapors? So, the cartridge is not filled with water. Instead, it contains liquids that comprise harmful substances, nicotine, and additives.

Myth 3


Vaping Will Not Make You Bizarre


The reality is that your peer groups may influence you to vape. You should be mindful of the fact that you are risking your health. You might suffer from asthma issues, or lung problems, or even have to conduct regular medical tests.

Myth 4


Dabbing is the Safest Alternative to Smoking


Many people think that vaping is a safe way to avoid cigarette addiction. In actuality, if you substitute smoking with vaping you are not doing justice to your health. Cigarettes comprise very harmful chemicals. However, vaping chemicals’ intensity might be slightly less. Still, it’s an addiction. And it might slowly harm your health.

Myth 5


Dabbing is Not as Harmful as Smoking


Did you know that nicotine in one tiny vaping “pod” can be as much as an entire pack of cigs? So, when vaping a single pod, you can easily develop nicotine addiction. And the addiction will certainly make you sick.

Myth 6


Dabbing creates water vapor


Vaping does not produce vapor in fact an aerosol, which is a liquid that transforms into gas but comprises toxins and chemicals that are the main cause of lung disorders and cancer. So, it’s not just water.

Myth 7


Vaping Can Help Eliminate Cigarette Addiction


The fact is that switching from cigarettes to vaping will not help you eliminate addiction. You should know that the e-juices used in vaping feature nicotine and other carcinogens that can be a source of many health issues.

Myth 8


Vaping is Nicotine Free and Causes No Addiction


You should know that all e-cigs or vapes traded in the market comprise nicotine, and it can easily addict you just like smoking does. Even if you purchase an e-cig labeled as nicotine-free, it may comprise minute levels of nicotine.

Myth 9


Dabbing Will Keep You Safe from Lung Problems


As the trend of e-cigs is rising, a sharp increase in lung issues has been noticed. And if the lung disease is not treated at the right time, it may cause demise. According to the National Centers for Disease Control (CDC), almost 54 deaths were due to lung diseases caused by vaping in 2019. So, if you vape, you must check if your e-liquid comprises Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which is the most prevailing cause of serious lung diseases and eventually death.

Myth 10


Vape Products Are Not Easily Available


Although, there are strict health and safety laws enforced by many governments. Still, young people can easily get vaping products. Facts show that the majority of the young people who vaped borrowed their products from someone else. Many asked their elder friends, relatives, or cousins (who were of legal age) to purchase vaping products for them.

Myth 11


Flavored Tobacco is Debarred


There were some federal restrictions for flavored tobacco enforced in 2020; however, there are no nationwide limitations on its sale. Many flavored vaping products are easily available in the market, so you can easily get them. Besides, studies show that young people love to vape flavored e-juices. Facts show that the majority of vape lovers use flavored products. Hence, stringent regulations will help restrict access to vaping products to the youth. It will help prevent long-term addiction.

Myth 12


Young People (Less Than 21 Years) Are Protected from Vaping


According to federal and state laws, the minimum legal age for tobacco products is 21 years. It’s a highly beneficial move for the safety of the youth. However, it is not strictly implemented. The younger people manage to get items from older people. Moreover, many vendors do not follow the enforced age restrictions.

Myth 13


Vaping Is Not Life-Threatening


E-liquids that you use in vaping products are loaded with chemicals. These chemicals can cause short-term and long-term health problems. The nicotine and THC elements in the e-juices can damage brain functioning, create memory issues, and cause depression.

Read Also : The Dos and Don’ts of Vaping for New Users