Why Does My Disposable Vape Taste Burnt?

Have you ever taken a puff from your vape only to be greeted by that unpleasant and unmistakable disposable vape taste burnt? It’s not only frustrating but can also ruin your vaping experience. But fear not; you’re not alone in this predicament. Many vapers have faced the same issue, wondering why their once smooth and flavorful vape suddenly tastes like charred disappointment. In this blog post, we will delve into the reasons behind this common problem. We also provide effective solutions to bring back the delightful vaping experience you deserve.

Also Read: How to Charge a Disposable Vape? 


These vapes have gained immense popularity due to their convenience and ease of use. These compact devices come pre-filled with e-liquid and an integrated coil, making them perfect for beginners and on-the-go vapers. However, despite their simplicity, vapes are not immune to issues, and one of the most prevalent is the disposable vape taste burnt. To understand why this occurs, let’s explore key factors contributing to this undesirable flavor.

Common Causes 

  • Overheating of the Coil: An overheated coil is one of the primary culprits behind a disposable vape taste burnt. When you take prolonged or forceful draws, the coil heats up excessively, causing the e-liquid to vaporize unevenly and scorch. It can result in a charred taste that lingers with every puff.
  • Low E-Liquid Levels: Vaping with a low e-liquid level is like driving your car with an empty fuel tank. Insufficient e-liquid saturation causes the coil to dry out and overheat, resulting in a burnt flavor.
  • Chain Vaping: While taking back-to-back puffs is tempting, doing so without allowing your vape to rest can cause the coil to heat up beyond its capacity. Chain vaping doesn’t give the coil enough time to cool down, resulting in a burnt flavor.
  • High Voltage: Some vapes offer adjustable voltage settings. Setting the voltage too high might produce more vapor, but it also increases the risk of overheating the coil, producing an unpleasant taste.

Also Read: Can You Bring A Disposable Vape On A Plane?

Preventive Measures

To prevent the undesirable taste from occurring in the first place, consider these simple yet effective preventive measures:

  • Proper Priming of the Coil: Before using a new vape, it’s crucial to prime the coil by allowing the e-liquid to soak into the wick for a few minutes. It ensures proper saturation and prevents dry hits.
  • Regular Maintenance: Keep an eye on your e-liquid levels and avoid vaping when they’re critically low. Also, take short breaks between puffs to allow the coil to cool down and ensure even vaporization.
  • Using the Right E-Liquid: Opt for high-quality e-liquids with the appropriate VG/PG ratio. Thicker e-liquids with higher VG content can help prevent the wick from drying out quickly, reducing the risk of a taste.

Troubleshooting Burnt Taste

If you’re already dealing with an unpleasant taste, don’t worry—there are steps you can take to salvage your vaping:

  • Cleaning the Coil: Sometimes, residue buildup can contribute to the taste. Clean the coil using a dry cloth or cotton swab to remove any gunk affecting the flavor.
  • Adjusting Voltage: If your vape allows voltage adjustment, try lowering the voltage to a more moderate setting. It can help prevent overheating and reduce the likelihood of a taste.
  • Changing the Coil: In cases of a severe taste that won’t go away, it might be time to replace the coil altogether. Most vapes have replaceable coils; a fresh coil can significantly affect flavor quality.


The unpleasant taste from your vape doesn’t have to be a permanent thorn in your vaping journey. By understanding the causes behind this issue and implementing the preventive measures and troubleshooting tips provided in this guide, you can enjoy a smooth, flavorful vaping experience without the unpleasant burnt aftertaste. Remember, a little care and attention can go a long way in ensuring that every puff is as satisfying as it should be. 


  • How to Fix a Burnt Taste in My Disposable Vape? 

If you’re experiencing a burnt taste in your disposable vape, there are several steps you can take to remedy the situation. Start by priming the coil properly and maintaining adequate e-liquid levels. If the issue persists, try adjusting your vaping habits and cleaning the coil. In some cases, replacing the coil might be necessary to restore the flavor.

  • What Causes the Burnt Flavor in Disposable Vapes? 

The burnt flavor in disposable vapes is primarily caused by overheating the coil, which can occur due to prolonged draws, low e-liquid levels, chain vaping, or high voltage settings. When the coil overheats, it vaporizes the e-liquid unevenly, resulting in a burnt taste.

  • Are Burnt Tasting Disposable Vapes Safe to Use?

While using burnt-tasting disposable vapes is not ideal, it is generally safe. The burnt taste results from the e-liquid not being vaporized properly, but it shouldn’t pose significant health risks. However, addressing the issue promptly is recommended to ensure a more enjoyable and satisfying vaping experience.

  • How Long Should a Disposable Vape Last Before Tasting Burnt? 

The lifespan of a disposable vape, before it starts tasting burnt, can vary depending on factors like the frequency of use, vaping style, and e-liquid viscosity. On average, a disposable vape can last for several hundred puffs before you might start noticing a burnt taste.

  • Can I Prevent Burnt Hits in My Disposable Vape? 

Yes, you can prevent burnt hits in your disposable vape by following simple preventive measures. Properly prime the coil before using a new disposable vape, maintain sufficient e-liquid levels, avoid chain vaping, and use appropriate voltage settings to reduce the risk of overheating.

  • Disposable Vape Troubleshooting: Burnt Taste Solutions 

Troubleshooting a burnt taste in your disposable vape involves cleaning the coil to remove residue, adjusting voltage settings to prevent overheating, and replacing the coil if the burnt taste persists. These solutions can help restore the flavor and overall vaping experience.

  • How to Extend the Lifespan of My Disposable Vape? 

To extend the lifespan of your disposable vape taste burnt, ensure you’re using high-quality e-liquids with the right VG/PG ratio. Avoid excessive chain vaping and allow the coil to cool down between puffs. Regularly clean the coil and follow proper maintenance practices to ensure optimal performance.

  • Common Reasons Why Disposable Vapes Taste Burnt 

Disposable vapes can taste burnt due to factors like overheating of the coil, low e-liquid levels, chain vaping, and using high voltage settings. Addressing these common issues through proper priming, maintenance, and vaping habits can help prevent the burnt taste.

  • Do Certain E-Liquid Flavors Contribute to a Burnt Taste in Disposables? 

While specific e-liquid flavors might not directly cause a burnt taste, certain flavors with higher sweetener content can contribute to faster coil gunk buildup, potentially leading to a burnt taste. Choosing e-liquids with balanced ingredients can help prolong the lifespan of your disposable vape.

  • Can I Repair a Burnt Disposable Vape Coil? 

Repairing a burnt disposable vape coil is generally not recommended. Once a coil is burnt, its performance and flavor are likely compromised. It’s better to replace the coil according to the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure a fresh and enjoyable vaping experience.